Monday, May 25, 2015

Quick and Easy Father's Day Gifts

Father's Day is June 21 this year!

Even though my husband and I don't exchange gifts for holidays or birthdays, I still like to do a little something for Father's Day from the kids. In years past, Father's Day has snuck up on me so I have had to obsessively search Pinterest to come up with a cute idea. This year, though, I'm ahead of the game. In case you're not, here are a few simple and cheap if not free ideas.

There are so many cute ideas of pictures for a Father's Day gift.

 I made the letters out of cardboard and painted them black. I used a white sheet as my backdrop. R was not into this photo shoot so it was a bit tricky, but we made it work. I just had to pay for the pictures and frame, which I probably bought with a 40% off coupon at Michael's.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Organizing the Chaos

First stop is the kitchen.
As a stay-at-home mom, the days can blend together so easily. I sometimes have a difficult time keeping track of what day it is and what's going on during the week. Of course, I use my calendar on my iPhone, but I still prefer something concrete to look at. In addition to needing something to keep me on track for the week, I had a lot of clutter hanging around my kitchen that needed homes.

Before I found this command center, we had our calendar and coupons on the side of the refrigerator and any mail that was deemed too important to throw out right away was just stacked on the kitchen counter. I bought the command center to help eliminate the unsightly pile of mail but it does so much more. This organizer has everything: a place for my calendar, two clear PVC packets that I use as "dry erase boards" and lots of storage pockets. I attached it to the back of my pantry door so I can have easy access to it but keep it out of sight when guests come over.

Here's how I modified it to fit my family.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

We took our children to their very first baseball game. Here's how it went.

Now, I will start this off by saying that I am not a big sports fan and you will never catch me watching any type of sport on the television at home unless someone (aka my dad) has changed the channel from the Food Network or Disney Junior to "the game."