Thursday, July 23, 2015

What I Want My Friends Without Kids to Know

Before I started dating my husband, I spent every single weekend with my best friend. The minute 5 o'clock hit on Friday, I was on the road to Huntington Beach to pick up my bestie to get our weekend of partying started. We spent our nights in the local dive bar singing Journey songs at the top of our lungs with our vodka tonics in hand. She was my partner in crime.

She is the tall bff that every short girl needs, she's my Meredith to my Christina, she's my lady. Fast forward to the present, I have two kids and she has one furbaby. Life after children has placed our friendship not even on the back burner-it's in the back of the pantry. I am lucky if I get a 20 minute phone call conversation with her nowadays.

While we don't see each other nearly as often as we used to, she's still my lady. And here's six things I want her and every other friend without kids to know.

1. I REALLY am trying to listen to you 
I don't mean to be pre-occupied and distracted by my kiddos. I would love to relax on the couch and have an unlimited amount of time to dedicate to our conversation. Trust me, I really would. Unfortunately, that is just not the reality of my life right now. The majority of our phone calls take place when you're on your way home which is also the dreaded witching hour when I'm trying to get dinner on the table, soothe a cranky toddler, and battle with a fiesty four year old who thinks she's the boss. With everything that is going on, I don't mean to interrupt you or miss that last five minute chunk of your story. I do really want to hear about your last trip to San Francisco or your busy work week.

Monday, July 13, 2015

6 Questions Parents Never Stop Asking Themselves

It doesn't matter how many kids you have. It doesn't matter how old they are. You will always be asking these six questions.

1. What is that smell?
In the beginning, the smell may be coming from the hidden neck crease that is filled with day old breastmilk or from the week old squished strawberry that was left under the couch by your toddler.Years later when you ask that question, it may be due to the sweaty duffle bag containing your teenager's unwashed P.E. clothes even though school ended a week ago or maybe it's the mystery take out box that was left in your fridge by your forgetful daughter after her last date.