Father's Day is June 21 this year!
Even though my husband and I don't exchange gifts for holidays or birthdays, I still like to do a little something for Father's Day from the kids. In years past, Father's Day has snuck up on me so I have had to obsessively search Pinterest to come up with a cute idea. This year, though, I'm ahead of the game. In case you're not, here are a few simple and cheap if not free ideas.
There are so many cute ideas of pictures for a Father's Day gift.
I made the letters out of cardboard and painted them black. I used a white sheet as my backdrop. R was not into this photo shoot so it was a bit tricky, but we made it work. I just had to pay for the pictures and frame, which I probably bought with a 40% off coupon at Michael's.
There are so many cute ideas of pictures for a Father's Day gift.